Narrative Theory- TZVETAN TODOROV.

Tzvetan Todorov's narrative theory suggests that all narratives follow a three part structure where they begin with equilibrium,where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt that equilibrium, and finally reach a resolution when equilibrium is restored.

A film that could be used to supports Todorov's theory is "The Hangover".

1st stage-Equilibrium: One of the main character is supposed to get married, as his friends decided to go to Las Vegas just two days before.

2nd stage- Disruption: The group is drugged and wake up the next morning not knowing what happened the night before, and also the main character(The one who is meant to get married) is missing. So, they decide to leave the apartment they were living in to go and look for their friend, along the way they over come people to help them remember what happened the night before.

3rd stage- Equilibrium: They finally find their friend and get back just in time for the wedding to take place.


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