The Purge film poster analysis

I'm going to analyse "The Purge" poster to use it as a case study for my future exams. I will start by talking about Mark of quality, which has been used on this poster as the references to an other successful film(Paranormal activity and Sinister) were made. By showing a mark of quality, the audience is convinced that the film would be a quality product as previous films produced.

The film title is combined with the image and the tag-line to give the audience certain expectations of the film. It has been written using a white colour, to make it stand out from the poster. Suspense is created as the audience would want to find out what is going to happen in the film.

The release date is in bold to let the audience know when exactly the film is going to be available to watch. People would be more excited to watch it because they've been waiting for the release date, which built anticipation.

The colour black is dominant to create a sense of mistery. Out of the black background we can see a man with a mask on, which make the audience wonder what is going to happen in the actual film.

The masked man is presented in the shadow, to further excite the audience about what it is going to happen next. It creates suspense, as the audience would wonder why he is in a shadow and not just in the light, this hints that the character is going to be the or one of the antagonists.

black,darkness,shadow,interactivity,social media, tag line.


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