Taken's Poster Analysis

  • Mysterious tall man covers the entire background. He is shown in a side view so that the audience won't see his face.  He looks very secretive and suspicious , which might make the viewers think that he is a spy(create suspense)
  • The Quotes used are very personal and threatening by repeating : " I " , " YOU " , " I WILL KILL YOU" . This makes the audience wonder about what the whole film would be about as the poster doesn't reveal the whole story.
  • The use of black and white colours represents the film as quite dark, possibly foreshadowing as death. However, the orange writing " TAKEN " and the famous actor Liam Neeson covering the entire poster makes the film more appealing and make it stand out for the audience.
  • Also, the pistol coming out from the shadow gives a shock to the audience even though it links with the idea of him being some sort of a spy in the film.


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