Film review summer 2002 magazine cover analysis

  • Selling line makes a claim of quality to attract the audience:"All the latest movies in our new-look Reviews section.
  • Central image- Uses the main character of the film spider-man in red and purple colours to make ti stands out to make it even more appealing to the audience.
  • The title is in a different font and size to make it stands out from the cover page.
  • All the titles in purple colour to make it look even more appealing.
  • "$150 million in a week! Even Titanic didn't do that" -> Comparison makes the audience want to watch the film even more as they would probably want to know if it was actually worth that much and why it has sold that much in such a short time.
  • Different character's interview from different movies are shown to let the audience know that they are quite a popular magazine.
  • Mode of address: The way the magazine address the audience is really chatty, as it used exclamation mark as it says :"Look out!" " &"$150 million in a week!" " Even Titanic didn't do that!". It used exclamation mark to show confidence and to make it seems like they are shouting it, as it obviously a shocking fact.


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