Moving Image - "Bull" Matthew McConaughey and the MKC: Official Commercial analysis.

Moving Image

At the beginning of the promotional video we first see a massive bull standing in front of a MKC car. By that, we can already see what the whole commercial is about as the Bull is considered to be one of the most strongest animal existent. As Matthew McConaughey starts talking, it might appears that he is describing the bull, when he is actually describing the car. He describes the bull as "Big" and carried on saying "I have to respect that" , those certain words make any listeners or viewers understand that, that specific car, is not for jst ordinary people, it is more for posh and wealthy people. 


Camera shot - Risultati immagini per mkc commercial

This is one of the main shot of the commercial, which shows and make an impact of the viewers. This makes them understand how strong and powerful the MKC car is. The shot is taken from the front to make the viewers focus even more on the size of the bull, as it would emphasise even more its majesty and strength.


Specific Clothing- Risultati immagini per mkc commercial
They purposely chose Matthew McConaughey to be the main character of this commercial, as he is considered to be one of the most successful men around in cinematography. This makes the commercial seem more addressed to posh men as he shows luxury and wealth through his clothes. Just by the way he is sitting in that car, looking at that bull with no fear at all, shows masculinity which might persuade more men to buy the MKC car. He is also wearing a gold ring, which again shows his richness and elegance.


In the commercial very little sounds are used as they were trying to make it seems like it was in the middle of the dessert. In fact, some western music were playing in the background to  make it seems like some isolated place in the middle of nowhere. The presence of the bull and the western music greatly link together as they address the specific audience(Posh and wealthy men) in a very specific way.



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