New character posters for ‘Justice League’ released The superhero team-up movie will arrive in cinemas on November 17, 2017. Set a few months after Batman v Superman, Justice League follows Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) who become aware of the alien threat posed by the forces of Darkseid and Steppenwolf. They gather a team to fight back – The Flash (Ezra Miller), Arthur “Aquaman” Curry (Jason Momoa) and Victor Stone (Ray Fisher), whose lifesaving technological enhancement turn him into Cyborg. Warner Bros. unveils Justice League character posters As Digital Spy reports, the film is being helmed by Avengers director Joss Whedon, who took over from Zack Snyder when the latter had to step down from the project following the death of his daughter. According to reports, Whedon has made the movie funnier and undertaken extensive reshoots. The film is said to have originally ended on a cliffhanger, but will now ...
Title is blu & bold, same font as "Film review". Main colours are red, white and blue, which stands out from the american flag used as background image. It used Rethorical question :"Can Bruce save the world?", which gives a hunt of the film to the addressed audience. It uses informal language, which means that it mainly addresses teenagers. They encourage the audience to want to read more about it as they show famous talking about their favourite films etc.. The main image is Bruce, as he's probably the main character linked with the previous rethorical question. The tag-line "No Hype No Nonsense Just Movies!" tells the audience that this is not an ordinary magazine and there is no messing about, as it just talks about movies. This makes the magazine seem more confident, which might persuade the audience to carry on reading the magazine.
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